Chapter 4. Metadata Schemas
Chapter Outline
Dublin Core
Other Metadata Standards for Resource Description
Key Takeaways
This chapter offers an overview of the concept of metadata and different library, archives, and museum-related metadata schemas.
Metadata and cataloging
When examining the definitions of cataloging data and metadata. one can see that these terms can mean the same thing - structured descriptions of information or data. It is mostly the content and format that differentiate the two terms. Cataloging is used for the resource description process in libraries, archives, and museums, and the resulting data can be stored in physical objects (card catalogs, books, etc.) or electronically. The term metadata, on the other hand, is most often describing encoded data that describes information-bearing resources. Metadata is not limited to the information field.
General and domain-specific
Different communities have developed metadata schemas to meet their resource description and access needs. Schemas can be simple (e.g., few elements, no rules, designed to be used with any encoding system) or very complex (multiple levels of elements and subtypes, general or very detailed guidelines, associated with a particular encoding system, etc.). Metadata schemas are also designed for general applicability, meant to be able to describe any type of information resource (e.g., Dublin Core), or domain-specific, designed to meet the description and access needs of a particular domain, discipline, or type of resource (i.e., Visual Resources Association (VRA) Core)
Multiple metadata schemas
An institution can use multiple metadata schemas for the description of different sets of information resources. For example, a library can use cataloging records (RDA guidelines encoded in MARC) for its main collection, Dublin Core for its digital collection, and EAD for its archival finding aids.

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Metadata Standards
Metadata Schemas
A select list of general metadata standards most relevant to the library environment
Categories for the Description of Works of Art (CDWA):
Dublin Core Metedata Initiative (DCMI):
DCMI Metadata Terms:
Encoded Archival Description (EAD):
MODS (Metadata Object Description Schema):
MADS (Metadata Authority Description Data):
Text Encoding Initiative (TEI):
Visual Resources Association (VRA) Core Categories:
NKOS Metadata Standards Updates (2020s) & Resources,
Metadata Registries and Crosswalks​
DCMI Registry,​
Open Metadata Registry,
Getty Institute, Metadata Crosswalk -
Library of Congress, MARC Mappings -
Dublin Core/MARC/GILS Crosswalk -
For a more comprehensive list of metadata standards, including specialized schemas, check:
Appendix A of Metadata 3rd Edition (2022-01) by Marcia L.ei Zeng and Jian Qin. Available at
Chapter References/Notes
Riley, J., & National Information Standards Organization (U.S.). (2017). Understanding metadata: What is metadata, and what is it for?: A primer. Bethesda, MD: NISO Press. Retrieved from
Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, Committee on Cataloging: Description & Access, Task Force on Metadata. (2000, June 16). Final report (CC:DA/TF/Metadata/5). Retrieved from
Intner, S. S., Lazinger, S. S., & Weihs, J. (2006). Metadata and its impact on libraries. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
Caplan, P. (2003). Metadata fundamentals for all librarians. Chicago, IL: American Library Association.
Joudrey, D. N., Taylor, A. G., & Wisser, K. M. (2017). The organization of information (4th ed.). Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.
Zeng, M. L., & Qin, J. (2022). Metadata (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Neal-Schuman Publishers.
Dublin Core. (n.d.). DCMI History. Retrieved from
Dublin Core. (2020, January 20). DCMI metadata terms, Section 1: Introduction and definitions. Retrieved from
National Information Standards Organization. (2013). The Dublin core metadata element set. Retrieved from
Hillmann, D. (2005, November 7). Using Dublin core. Retrieved from
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. (2005, November 7). Using Dublin core - Dublin core qualifiers. Retrieved from
DCMI Usage Board. (2020, January 20). DCMI metadata terms. Retrieved from
Dublin Core. (n.d.). Dumb-down principle. Retrieved from
Dublin Core. (2019). Reflections on the DCMI abstract model (2011). Retrieved from _abstract _model
Library of Congress. (n.d.). MODS: Metadata object description schema. Retrieved from
Text Encoding Initiative. (2022, April 19). Example: <teiHeader> (TEI Header). Retrieved from
Library of Congress. (2002a, December). Development of the encoded archival description DTD. Retrieved from
Library of Congress. (2002b). Encoded archival description: Version 2002. Retrieved from
Library of Congress. (2002c). Encoded archival description tag library, Version 2002. Appendix C: Encoded examples. Retrieved from
Technical Subcommittee for Encoded Archival Standards of the Society of American Archivists. (2019). Encoded archival description tag library version EAD3 1.1.1. Retrieved from
Visual Resources Association Data Standards Committee. (2007, April 5). VRA core 4.0 element description and tagging examples. Retrieved from
Visual Resources Association Data Standards Committee. (2007). VRA core cataloging examples. Retrieved from .html
Editeur. (2009). ONIX for books, Release 3.0. Retrieved from
Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress. (2005, May 3). ONIX to MARC 21 mapping. Retrieved from
Godby, C. J. (2012). A crosswalk from ONIX version 3.0 for books to MARC 21. Dublin, OH: OCLC Research. Retrieved from
Editeur. (2009). ONIX for books: Product information format specification, release 3.0. Retrieved from
Additional Readings
Here, you will find readings specific to the contents of this chapter.
You may find more readings about similar topics on the Cataloging and Classification Web Resources page
Caplan, P. 2003. Metadata Fundamentals for All Librarians. Chicago: American Library Association.
Chou, C. (2019). "Purpose-driven assessment of cataloging and metadata services: Transforming broken Links into linked data." Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 57(2-3), 135-165, DOI: 10.1080/01639374.2019.1571553
Haynes, D. (2018). Metadata for Information Management and Retrieval: Understanding Metadata and its Use. Facet Publishing
Riley, J. (2017, January 1). Understanding metadata: What is metadata, and what is it for?: A primer. NISO. Retrieved from
Sweetser, M. and Orchard, A.A.A. (2019). "Are we coming together? The archival descriptive landscape and the roles of archivist and cataloger."American Archivist, 82(2), 332-380. Retrieved from
Zeng, M. L., And Qin, Jian. (2022). Metadata. 3rd edition. ALA Publishing.
Dublin Core
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI). (n.d.). DCMI metadata terms. Dublin Core. Retrieved from
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI). (n.d.). Expressing qualified Dublin Core™ in HTML/XHTML meta and link elements. Dublin Core. Retrieved from
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI). (n.d.). Expressing Dublin Core™ description sets using XML (DC-DS-XML). Dublin Core. Retrieved from
Resource Description Framework (RDF)
​Parker, B. and Gray, A. (2019). "Rethinking the University of Maryland authority file for the linked data environment." Journal of Library Metadata, 19(1-2), 69-81, DOI: 10.1080/19386389.2019.1589699